10 Great Looks From James Bond’s Weaponized Wardrobe | GQ


We’d love to cop a ton of things from James Bond’s playbook: his razor-sharp style (obviously), his way with the ladies, his ability to drink six martinis and still be able to function. There’s also 007’s ever-increasing arsenal of insane gadgets that always seem to help him out of a precarious situation, whether it’s a prison cell or a shark tank.

But the best Bond tools aren’t necessarily the ones with the most bang. They’re the ones you’d actually want to wear on a regular basis. Like any good secret-agent accessory, his gadgets combine both form and function. Credit goes to Q, MI6’s trusty Quartermaster—played by lovable curmudgeon Desmond Llewelyn for more than 30 years before being passed on to John Cleese for a hot second and then the way less curmudgeonly Ben Whishaw—who has kept Bond well equipped over the years while simultaneously upping his style game. When you’re dressed to kill, the devil is in the details.

Read the full story here.

John LockettGQ, Style